If you are looking to start a business, Summit Tax Solutions provides comprehensive services to help you incorporate (corporations) or organize (limited liability companies [LLC’s] and partnerships). Summit Tax Solutions is not a law firm and it is always recommended that you consult with a lawyer prior to company formation. However, few realize that you do not need an attorney to incorporate or organize your business, thus we can save you valuable business dollars by forming your entity through Summit Tax Solutions.
We can help you obtain a Federal Identification Number (FEIN), Articles of Incorporation (or Organization) and other required state registration documents so that you can set up a bank account, obtain a lease and get lending for your new company. This process can usually be completed in 2-5 days, depending on your domicile. We provide business consulting, to ensure that your entity-type matches the legal and business needs of your company.
The federal requirements for incorporation are the same, regardless of the place you are starting your business. However, each state and city have differing registration and business licensing requirements and fees. As such, the cost to incorporate will vary based on your domicile.
Summit Tax Solutions provide business formation, incorporation, organization and registration services for a fixed transparent price of $450 ($650 in California). You will pay state registration and city business license fees directly to the state and city you form your business. In addition, we prepare S-Corp Elections on Federal Form 2553 for $150. Please contact us should you wish to discuss small business tax services and the fees associated with your state.
States are in-charge of granting permission to use a business name. One of the trickiest parts about business formation, is securing a unique name that is not too closely related to an existing business in your state and, in most cases, the nation. For this reason, we ask for you to provide up to 3 desired business names (in the order of preference), so that we can get your company registered in case one or more of the desired business names is rejected (If more than 2 owners, please contact us by email)
This page is designed to be a fast and secure method of providing your credit card info to pay for your state registration and business licensing fees (if available online). Once we have completed your business formation, this card will also be charged for the business formation service we provided